Looking for a new read? Interested in biographies?

Check out this biography about John E. Fetzer which you can download on your Kindle for free!

This book written by Brian C. Wilson delves deep into the life and spiritual journey of John E. Fetzer; a Michigan business tycoon.

Fetzer was an advisor to two presidents, the owner of the Detroit Tigers, as well as one of the 400 wealthiest people in America according to Forbes.

Although he possessed a lot of wealth, popularity, and money, he was on a constant spiritual quest and search for the truth. He questioned the religion he was brought up with and ventured into new theologies and ideas.

You can read John E. Fetzer's inspirational story for free on your Kindle. All you need to do is fill in a simple form.

Offer available only to USA citizens. Offer valid until 15th September 2020.